Archive for June, 2014

I was alone

Walking alone for a long time,

For many miles…

Afraid of the crowd,

Afraid of the noise,

Afraid of the light,

I am a stoic soul to many,

How I freak out only I know;

 I know to sing

But I sing only to my ears;

I know to dance

Dance only with my cat;

I have strength to punch the bully

Still I bear their punches;

Sometimes, I do love watching fun,

In crowded places,

I crouched into the cat’s cosy dark corner,

To avoid others glancing at me,

 I watched and kept fantasizing from far.

I was in the dark as always that day:

Watching you stand out from the crowd,

Without any hindrance,

You danced for your heart’s content

With so much of grace, joy and life;

Surprisingly your radiant eyes ignited

The darkness around me;

You stepped towards me,

Dragged me through the crowd,

To the centre of the dance floor;

I was blindfolded by your sparkling beauty,

For the first time,

I felt safe and strong by holding your hand,

I lost in your gazing gleam,

You broke my shell.

Showed me to the world,

I am not afraid of the crowd any more,

In every face,

I see only you dazzling daisy!


Dear, how are you?

It’s been long since:

I met you,

I spoke to you,

I listened to you,

And I laughed from heart.

Oh! I forget to ask you:

How is your married life?

Your first wedding anniversary

Is approaching…

Thank god! Finally,

You found room in a girl,

After trying a few girls,

And a few religion faiths accordingly!

Nothing changed at my end,

I am still a pathetic and ‘can’t win for loosing’ soul.

I guess, I am very poor in loving  a person,

I tried once with you,

May be, you might have found it an outdated style,

It didn’t work.

Now, I am terrified of the failure,

Or I don’t know,

I still can’t replace someone,

Where you beautifully bloomed once.

I crossed my age-limit of  marriage in India,

And it’s been four years now

Since you said goodbye to me,

I feel the same,

When I think of you my eyes get wet,

Even now, I miss you so much!

Your mom called me that day,

After a couple of years,

However, she spoke with the same fond,

I thought I was the one who got hurt,

But she told me she got more hurt,

Because of your wedding.

We shared a heavy and deep long sighs,

In unison,

We connected our sorrows with the sighs.

She also told me to be in touch,

As she missed talking to me a lot

In past two years…

Indeed, I befriended her because of you,

However, you don’t want me to talk to her,

I couldn’t stop myself being kind to her,

Not because of you but because of my nature,

She desperately needed someone to listen,

And I lend my ears for a few hours a week,

All she needed from you is that…

But you never find a minute!

Of course, you have a style,

Of building walls in between people,

Who love you unconditionally

Your mother is not an exception too.
