It’s 1 AM I am still awake,

Walking lonely in the terrace;

Under the moonlight,

Fighting against the memories-

Those are as bright as,

And as numerous as shining stars!

When I first met you,

I never had sensed the peril,

You are an angel of all goodness though;

When I first spoke with you,

I never had a qualm,

Your voice would cast an eternal spell;

Now that I am sitting here

Thinking it through,

You have never done anything wrong;

So I have nothing to blame,

But I have a few questions to ask:

Why didn’t you give me a chance –

To evince the unexpressed words,

To bestow the un-sent gifts?

Why do you give me the same pain –

The girl you loved gave you once?

Why didn’t you invite me for your wedding?

Everything you did and said,

You say and do are right!

So I am in desperate plight.

Baby, you never know,

I have never missed to peep into my mobile,

For past four years,

With blind hope:

One day you will dial or message me –

“I miss you”

Till I come to know that you are wedded

Through a third-person!

And how much ever I cry,

I am not able to find me back

Or I am not able to ignore-

The waft of breeze that grazes my face,

The smell of soil when drizzles touch the earth,

The silvery full moon light that ignites my eyes,

The music and musicians those you revered the most,

As you haunt me through them as a whirlwind!